Communication organizations are available for both students and individuals that already have entered their career field; and are interested in expanding their communication knowledge. Communication organizations aid individuals in networking, job finding, and provide seminars for those interested. Some organizations have stipulations in order for you to join. Take a look at these five communication organizations that you may want to join.

1.) National Communication Association- founded in 1914 as the National Association of Academic Teachers of public speaking. “[M]embers [include] educators, practitioners, and students of the communication arts and sciences”. The NCA supports its members, professionally, and with research; who are scholars, teachers and practioners. There is an annual fee of $60 for a student to join. Benefits:

Recognition, Leadership and Networking Opportunities 

Interest Groups, Discussion Forums, Online Member Directory, Teaching, Research, and Service Awards, Association Leadership Opportunities,

National Convention and Other Events Annual Convention, Topical Conferences, Meetings and Events 

Publications Eleven Scholarly Journals, Spectra magazine, Communication Currents e-magazine, E-Newsletters,

Professional Development Resources Career Center, Career Navigation Support,

Teaching and Learning Support Extensive Instructional Resources, Student, Class, and Departmental Assessment Resources

2.) The Association for Women in Communications- In 1909 the idea for a women’s journalism society was formed; by seven female students at the University of Washington Seattle, entering a colleges new journalism program, only the second of its kind. The AWC recognizes the need to network and make career moves across the communications field. Disciplines represented within the association include: print and broadcast journalism, television and radio production, film, advertising, public relations, marketing, graphic design, multi-media design, and photography. The list is continually growing as the profession expands into the newer media. The benefits of membership is to connect with other AWC members, to aid in the advancement of women across all communication fields, and to receive professional benefits from partners joined with AWC. New Graduate

Dues$34 per year;no application fee

Requirements:  open to women or men who graduated in the past year, and demonstrate a commitment to a communications career.  Only applicable to college graduates who have graduated in the past 12 months.  Graduation date and school name are required for validation.


Dues$34 per year; no application fee

Requirements:  open to women or men working full-time toward a degree (undergraduate or graduate) and demonstrate a commitment to a communications career.  Expected graduation date and school name are required for validation.

3.) International Communication Association- “ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication”. Begginning an more than 50 years, the ICA now has more than 3,500 members in 65 countries. “Since 2003, ICA has been officially associated with the United Nations as a non-governmental association (NGO)”. Mission statement:… “The purposes of the Association are (1) to provide an international forum to enable the development, conduct, and critical evaluation of communication research; (2) to sustain a program of high quality scholarly publication and knowledge exchange; (3) to facilitate inclusiveness and debate among scholars from diverse national and cultural backgrounds and from multi-disciplinary perspectives on communication-related issues; and (4) to promote a wider public interest in, and visibility of, the theories, methods, findings and applications generated by research in communication and allied fields”. Fees: Student (all before Ph.D.) Learn more...            $75.

4.) Western State Communications Association-Founded in 1929, WSCA has over 1,000 members around the globe, and is a not-for-profit educational association of scholars, teachers, and students of communication. WSCA publishes the Western Journal of Communication and Communication Reports--as well as a newsletter, WSCA News. Student fee $25.00.

5.) The American Communications Association-   Founded in 1993 for the purpose of fostering scholarships for all areas of human communication, providing a voice for communication law and policy, providing evaluation and academic certification, promoting excellence in the teaching of communication. “The ACA is a not-for-profit virtual professional association with actual presence in the world of communication scholars and practitioners”. The ACA offers a technologically supportive venue for individuals who study the ways in which we communicate. “ACA is committed to enabling the effective use of new and evolving technologies to facilitate communication instruction, research and criticism…, it is a virtual organization that welcomes participation from academics and professionals throughout the world”. ACA peer reviewed journal can be found at: and there online speech textbook: Currently free membership.

    Each organization appears to be helpful with aiding aspiring Communication students. The fees appear to be reasonable, and each site offers an area where an individual can look at jobs that are currently offered in the communications field. If I were to choose an organization to join it would be the WSCA or the ICA. The WSCA would be helpful for me because I am currently living in the West, but I often dream about international travels and the ICA appears to be a good place to network, if in the future I am ever able to make that life change.

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